It's no secret that real estate can be a lucrative investment — but whether you're a first-time or seasoned investor, it's important to know how much money you need to start. There are several things that play into this decision including the amount of capital you have available for investment, your credit score, and the state's tax rules.
If you are considering becoming an owner-operator, buying a flipping property, or any other measure to start a real estate career, it's important that you know how much money you need in order to pay for the necessary costs. The following article will help you make that decision.
Do most people want to know what are the costs of starting a real estate business?
When you start a real estate business, there are a lot of expenses to keep in mind. Here's what you should know about the costs of starting a real estate business.
Real Estate Costs
Buying or building your own home is the biggest initial expense of starting a real estate business. The average price for new homes ranges from $275,843 to $351,779, according to Zillow and Trulia. Buying an existing home for under $300,000 will save you thousands in closing costs and other fees.
Another important expense is advertising — either online or offline. A good rule of thumb is that 1% of gross sales is how much it costs per month to advertise on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, plus Google AdWords for paid search ads on other sites like Craigslist or eBay. Some real estate agents also use Google Analytics or similar tools to track their website conversions and traffic sources (Visitor data), so they can optimize their marketing efforts accordingly.
Agency Fees
If you're working with an agent who has his or her own office space and employs other employees, this fee could be substantial — especially if you're hiring someone new every few months as your business grows!
Take your time before investing in real estate.
The real estate investment world is full of stories of people who were excited about the potential for a particular property and ended up having to sell it because they couldn't afford the maintenance costs. This can happen with any type of investment, but it's particularly true in real estate.
A good rule of thumb is that you should make sure that you have enough money to cover at least three months' worth of expenses before you consider buying anything. That way, if something goes wrong — if there's an unexpected repair bill or if your tenants quit after only a month — you'll still be able to pay it off within a year or two.
This is especially important if you plan on buying a fixer-upper or buying in an area where the housing supply is limited and prices are rising rapidly. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that your purchase will become unaffordable as prices rise and rents increase faster than your income increases.
The best way to learn about how much money you need for starting real estate is by talking with friends who have been through this process and asking them what their expenses were during the first year or so after they bought their homes.
Build your network and real estate team.
If you're just starting out, the amount of money needed to buy and manage a real estate property will depend on how much time you want to invest in it. It's also important to consider how much money you can afford to make from the business.
Here are some things to think about:
How long do you expect this business to last? There's no set amount of time that you should expect a real estate investment to last, but if your plan is for this to be a long-term business, consider investing in properties with longer-term earnings potential. For example, if your goal is 10 years, then look for properties that can produce an annual yield of over 6 percent after expenses and taxes. Of course, it's important to remember that these numbers are just estimates based on past experience; they don't guarantee that the same returns will be available in the future!
Do you need more than one property? If so, what do they need to be? Just like any other type of business venture, successful real estate investing requires planning and foresight — which means having at least some idea of where you'd like your property portfolio to end up before you start building it up.
Get licensed.
You can start a real estate business without a lot of money. However, if you want to make money, you will need to invest some money in the beginning. The good news is that you don't need much money to get started.
Get Licensed
First, you'll need to get licensed as a real estate agent in your state. If you're not sure how to do this, contact your state's board of realtors and ask for their help. You can also read up on licensing requirements online or talk with an experienced realtor who has been licensed for years.
Choose a broker
Once you're licensed, choose a broker who can help you with your marketing and sales efforts. A good broker will have lots of experience working with new agents and will know what questions to ask when it comes time to sign clients up for services like listing their home on the MLS system or helping them find financing options for closing costs or repairs on their house.
Build a $15,000 cash reserve for emergencies.
If you're thinking about buying a house, it's important to know how much money you'll need to get started. Before you start looking at houses, make sure that you can afford the mortgage payments and other expenses involved in buying a home. If you are self-employed or have other sources of income, your situation may be different than someone who works for someone else.
If you don't have enough saved to cover the down payment and closing costs, then it may not be possible to buy a house at this time. You might want to wait until after your first child is born or if your spouse has some extra income from work. This can give both of you time and money to save up for the down payment and closing costs on a house in your area.
Fortunately, you don't need to come up with a huge sum of money in order to start investing in real estate. You can get started with "small potatoes" in this field. But no matter how much money you have or don't have, there is a way to invest in real estate. The only thing that should prevent you from doing it is your own physical capacity and desire to work hard: if you're willing to learn the basics, do your homework, and start investing, then there is no reason why you shouldn't be successful.